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As a result, relatively little remains of Manila’s prewar and colonial architecture, although there are ongoing restoration projects, especially within the old walled city, Intramuros.” Well, here now is my Score for Manila’s Ultimate Hunk Bernald: Face Value: 25, Body Shots: 25, Sex Appeal: 25, Karug Hotness: 25! Total: 100 Points! Bernald looks Very Foxy! Near the end of World War II, during the Battle of Manila, most of the city was flattened by intensive aerial bombardment by the United States Air Force. After the war, the United States took control, switched the official language from Spanish to English, and made changes in education, local laws and urban planning. Before the Spanish–American War, it saw the rise of the Philippine Revolution. According to Wikipedia: “In the 19th century, Manila was one of the most modern cities in Asia. The complete list of winners are as follows: Allen Molina – Grand Winner of The First Manila’s Ultimate Hunks 2012, Denver Flores – 1st Runner-Up, Arbie Silva – 2nd Runner-Up, Jonas Pinca – 3rd Runner-Up & Richard Carlos – 4th Runner-Up. The very first Edition of Manila’s Ultimate Hunks was held back in 21 October 2012, 8 pm at The Library in Malate, Manila.

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This is Throwback Manila’s Ultimate Hunks 2012 Edition. He was a candidate of Manila’s Ultimate Hunks 2012.

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