Best short gay movies with sex

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Heath Daniels plays Matthew, who’s heading back from a photography assignment when he comes across two men having sex. However, while that was a fun comedy about a guy who desperately wants to dance in gay clubs even though he doesn’t look like your usual Go Go Boy, Adults Only is a more serious, contemplative and overtly sexual tale. The film premiered at the Torino GLBT Film Festival on April 24th, and makes its US debut at the Miami Gay and Lesbian Film Festival on May 2nd, before moving on to other fests throughout the year.įans of the Boys On Film DVD series of gay short films may remember Go Go Reject, which was also from Daniels and Saul.

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Adults Only is a far more contemporary dialogue-free short film (technically it’s not a silent movie, as it does feature ambient sounds), from writer/actor Heath Daniels and director Michael J.

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The Artist proved that there’s room in the world for silent movies, but the Oscar-winner still felt the need to hark back to the pre-talkies era to get us to accept its premise.

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